PCT Day 37

Miles: 716.5 - 730.8

Photo: Serendipity after the climb

Much harder day than yesterday. The first 9 miles were a long and steep climb up to Olancha Peak. 

During the climb, we took many breaks just like yesterday. The change in altitude is no joke as we’re all still getting acclimatized. 

We eventually made it to the top though and were excited for a nice view on top of the mountain. The trail at the peak didn’t have a view as we were still in a forest, so feral_mike and dabenor went scouting for a good viewpoint and luckily found one! Such an amazing reward for the difficult day of hiking. 

After that, we slogged it down to the campsite to have a fairly late dinner, all while sharing hilarious stories. The second day in the Sierras was a success!


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